It seems silly to include a list of my past publications in features and lifestyle journalism in the works cited on a personal statement I’m writing for a job application in social technology—there are none that I remember fondly enough to feel particularly excited to highlight, and since I last checked it’s no longer possible to read them without paying for a subscription to the Eagle Tribune, which I have neither the funds nor the desire to do. That said, it also feels—idk, untidy?—to just cite them the way that I pulled them up just now, by referring to the google search results for ‘“thomas shamma”’ So I’m gathering them into an unlinked page on my website.
My best writing from this time was in the various town magazines that the Eagle Tribune owned, but to my knowledge none of those are online, and with this application due in a couple of days I feel like it isn’t the best use of my time to get them out of storage. They may make their way onto this page in the future.
So, here are my publications from the Eagle Tribune, 2014–2015, under the name Thomas Shamma, as best remembered by Google.
“FUN IN FEBRUARY 10 bright ideas for vacation activities with the kids.” 16 February 2014.
“Dare to ‘Doubt.’” 20 February 2014.
“‘Vagina Monologues’ returns to Lawrence.” 10 April 2014.
“Art Week Boston spreads to Lowell.” 17 April 2014.
“Laughing through the ages Reduced Shakespeare Company brings ‘The Complete History of Comedy (abridged)’ to Merrimack Rep.” 27 April 2014.
“Kiwanis Club of Greater Lawrence boasts big meals, bigger hearts.” 27 April 2014.
“Essex Art Center auctioning artist's’ works of, and for, the Merrimack Valley.” 5 June 2014.
“Local barbershop singers to sing at Statue of Liberty.” 11 July 2014.
“WEB EXCLUSIVE: Expert says Arthur T’s return unlikely.” 26 July 2014. (Note: I find this one particularly irritating, and don’t think it should still be online. My editor cut the article so thoroughly before publishing—removing more than half of the text—that it seemed to make an argument fundamentally opposed to the one that the professor I spoke with was actually making. I thought it had been dropped entirely, and found out that it had been published as a web exclusive when I got an angry email from the expert in question.)
“GLMT brings ‘Chicago’ to Lowell.” 31 July 2014.
“Girl, 12, hit by car in the Market Basket parking lot.” 1 August 2014.
“ACT Andover turns to Kickstarter to renovate theater.” 3 August 2014.
“Stars of Lawrence’s rock-and-roll past reunite for charity.” 7 August 2014.
“Eat, drink and be merry at the Lowell Food and Wine Festival.” 7 August 2014.
“Resurrecting Frost: Actor takes one-man show to former poet’s Derry home.” 11 September 2014.
“Focus on creativity.” 11 September 2014.
“Theater group christens new space with ‘Young Frankenstein’ musical.” 16 October 2014.
“New England sports celebrated at the 5th annual Cross Border Expo.” 19 October 2014.
“Voters speak out at North Andover polls.” 4 November 2014.
“North Andover rapper puts off going to Suffolk to focus solely on his career.” 21 December 2014.
“Hearing aid, app streamline device for users.” 14 June 2015.